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We all have that running list of things around the house in need of attention. Whether your home is in need of general or seasonal maintenance, repair or just an overall refresh, we would love to help! 


We truly believe there's no place like home, and we would love to help make yours the absolute best it can be. If you want to add value to your home, or just add to it's aesthetics and functionality, don't hesitate to reach out for a free estimate.  

At N. P. Whitaker & Co, our #1 priority is to provide a top quality home improvement experience. Well, that, and to become best friends with your dog. 

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“Nic did amazing work creating space in the area he remodeled. He has an excellent work ethic and doesn't want for his clients to be less that satisfied. Remodeled and stripped down to bare bones to redo a much outdated bathroom. He also completely built a second one and expanded the size of my master bedroom. So very pleased.
Thank you, Nic"
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